Hubzilla Support Forum+It is interesting how much I am finding out about what I don't know about hubzilla trying to launch this web presence for this club.
Latest challenge is we need to be able to update the events calendar for the org, which has its channel set up now.
In a perfect world I would be able to give various people access to be able to add events to the calendar for their respective departments (we have a cruise chair, a race chair, the people who schedule the membership meetings etc.) I am hoping I can avoid the old problem of all of them having to send me events to get them on the calendar and instead just be able to give them access to put events up themselves.
Also, I would like to have recurring events (we have a race every Tuesday for six months out of the year, and it seems I have to enter each one of them individually?)
I noticed the shiny import calendar button, and thought I would be really smart and make the recurring event in google calendar and then import it, but not only did it only import a single event and ignore that it was repeating, it also put it at the wrong time because of the time zone adjustment, which makes importing calendars appear to be worse even than entering the events by hand.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks about how we might work with this? The events calendar is an important feature I am trying to work out a way to set this up so we can make it work.