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Hubzilla Version 2.0 Woot!
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 01:44:42 -0800
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Version 2.0
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Michael Meer
Rogue Cicero
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 02:01:38 -0800
Just a message in celebration, 2.0 just became standard.
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Fri, 23 Dec 2016 03:11:06 -0800
Check the change log: Latest post on the official announcement channel:
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 08:14:54 -0800
last edited: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 08:44:45 -0800
I am subscribed to the project on github and look at the changes every day, also I am following the dev discussions here on hubzilla so I even know the background and discussions before I see the commits to the various projects on github. I am relatively green to being an admin on hubzilla, in that I am learning how you track down and report a bug in a useful way and who you should ask about different things, and I have not contributed much yet on the dev side other than trying to learn what is where, but I have been running a server since it was redmatrix and spent quite a bit of time learning about this project, so to answer your rude and condescending question - yes I do. You should check your attitude, we didn't order all this sass.
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 09:26:51 -0800
Your a demanding and rather unappreciative dude. I did not work my ass off on this and I am annoyed with you, so I can only imagine what the people who did feel like. I am going to just ignore you from now on I think.
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 09:32:18 -0800
dude = person - in the context I used it - "work your ass off" means "work very hard"
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 09:33:42 -0800
I was saying that your complaining about how things are not the way you want them all the time is annoying to me.
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Fri, 23 Dec 2016 09:40:16 -0800
Sorry I delete my comments. That was on the wrong place. I never want to complain.
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Fri, 23 Dec 2016 09:50:15 -0800
I don't see kris' comments as being complaint or disrespect. It sounds like he's just asking for a less technical summary of the changes that come with 2.0. The official release notes read as a list of PR titles that might not mean much to people not familiar with the inner workings of the platform. Maybe I'm missing some history the two of you have, but I'm a technical person, and my eyes still kind of just glaze over when I look at the list of changes in the official announcement.
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giac hellvecio
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 11:02:12 -0800
I think Kris hopes one day to bring friends and relatives to use the our dear hubzilla, but honestly Kriss, the battle must be made in another place, first you have to start fighting against the current monopolies in 'internet communications', because if you not start from there..... ....
hubzilla can also have all the good things that you want or you dream (that's
we see certain comments by kris), but eventually your friends and family will continue to use facebook and whatsapp,
monopoly can not be fought by creating a clone or a most beautiful software
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Michael McKinsey
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 11:11:05 -0800
Well he deleted his comments so I am not going to try to continue discussing them in detail. He is often critical and obnoxious, and unappreciative in my opinion, and he often brings that attitude into the comments on my posts so I was asking him to knock it off and hopefully he has.
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giac hellvecio
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 11:14:29 -0800
I think Kris hopes one day to bring friends and relatives to use the our dear hubzilla, but honestly Kriss, the battle must be made in another place, first you have to start fighting against the current monopolies in 'internet communications', because if you not start from there..... ....
hubzilla can also have all the good things that you want or you dream (that's
we see certain comments by kris), but eventually your friends and family will continue to use facebook and whatsapp,
monopoly can not be fought by creating a clone or a most beautiful software
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Mike Macgirvin
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 12:52:21 -0800
last edited: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 13:15:47 -0800
Condensed summary:
The database driver has now been converted to PDO, which was the last remaining work to be done to bring the project up to what we call an "enterprise grade" architecture and began exactly a year ago. In the process of doing this work, we fixed a lot of compatibility issues with postgres - which should now work reasonably well.
The wiki and help pages (project documentation) had a number of usability issues and all of the known issues have been addressed. Wiki pages can now be created in bbcode, which is much more expressive in its ability than markdown.
The API was redesigned and many of the base functions are now documented. The Twitter API was moved to a plugin so you can still use Hubzilla with hundreds of third-party apps and social clients.
The 'hl'
tag was added to our repertoire by request.
Lots of UI behaviour changes to streamline the flow and ease repetitive tasks. Too many to list individually. The "left side" menu was also made 'sticky' to ease navigation on lengthy and infinite content pages.
Zot, the base protocol was extended to allow negotiable encryption algorithms; allowing sites to create their own encryption stacks and harden their communications against state-sponsored actors.
Edited posts and comments will now appear on Diaspora (which does not support editing of posts and comments). There were several other fixes for Diaspora protocol and communications issues.
Superblock was re-written entirely and it is now much easier to remove blocked channels from the blacklist. It is also much harder for their posts to appear in your stream anywhere, and they can never write on your wall; even if you have relaxed comment permissions.
In addition we fixed hundreds of bugs and fixed a lot of "little stuff" that nobody complained about, but we felt should be improved to make this a world-class app.
Since 1.0 - the entire project has been re-written and completely re-architected to provide an enterprise-grade software base going forward. All corporate and external dependencies have been moved to plugins. Most anything that was limited "by design" was reworked and the limitations removed; for example the permissions infrastructure. Along the way we introduced new functionality in most areas of the platform and continued re-working the UI to make it more consistent and usable. The project also supports three base modes (but this could be extended) to provide functionality tuned to different uses such as for federation or enterprise use. The list of individual changes since 1.0 is quite staggering. I haven't done a count but I believe it probably represents around a half a million lines of code changed; possibly much more than that. The total amount of work is quite impressive given the small team and numerous distractions we faced from critics and trolls along the way.
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Marshall Sutherland
Michael Meer
Erik Lundin
Stuart Crawford
Seth Martin
Michael McKinsey
Mario Vavti
Rogue Cicero
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Seth Martin
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 17:38:09 -0800
This is fantastic. LastAuth.com is now on the stable branch where it should be since it's a public production site. I had kept it on the development branch before because I needed the dev features.
Thanks to all that contributed, especially @
Mike Macgirvin
, you're awesome!
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Alex Old Channel, please remove after connect to alex@pixelbits.de
Rogue Cicero
Michael McKinsey
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Seth Martin
Fri, 23 Dec 2016 17:41:17 -0800
I didn't read Kris' comments but I can tell you that Kris isn't as rude as he seems sometimes. There's a language issue and after re-reading a few times, it often comes out different.
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Sat, 24 Dec 2016 02:19:09 -0800
Will understood me correctly, I wanted a user oriented summary. Mike did it perfectly. I wanted to publish the good news but how to explain that hubzilla is better now ? I ask that not only for me
but also for people who don't know Hubzilla
. Who talk about Hubzilla outside here in Hubzilla uniserve.
I must defend myself. I am french speaking native. Between english and french there is not only a question of translation. There is a question of cultural thinking. When I try to improve something, I am doing my best but sometimes, some people can understand that I try to destroy and that I am negative and that I am not happy or I always speak negatively. I know my communication is not always the best and I must think in english instead thinking in french.
I must apology with @
Michael McKinsey
when I am commenting his post so I must be double carefull next time I comment something on his post.
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Seth Martin
Michael McKinsey
Rogue Cicero
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Michael McKinsey
Sat, 24 Dec 2016 08:36:57 -0800
last edited: Sat, 24 Dec 2016 08:57:23 -0800
There is an idea that I come across quite often that people believe telling someone what they have done wrong or are not doing right is somehow useful and this becomes their default activity. There are very specific contexts in which pointing out what is wrong with something is useful, and almost all of them involve someone having asked for that input.
In my personal opinion, I do not believe in complaining about something unless I am willing to work on fixing it. I think complaining is the same thing as volunteering. If I am not willing to do the heavy lifting to fix something, it is not useful for me to waste my and everyone else's energy talking about what I think is not the best way it could be.
Especially in situations where people are stepping up to do things for no pay, or for idealistic motivations, or primarily for social encouragement reasons, spending a bunch of energy criticizing the people who are doing the work, or the work they have done, is actually a detractor from the project. Contributors are offended and hurt, and they lose the motivation to keep working because they are attacked and insulted by people who are not contributing anything and nobody defends them. The number of people who actually contribute is reduced to the handful of people who can keep their focus and determination to do something that has questionable and unclear personal gain while being criticized and attacked, which then leads to even less than the number of people who would contribute if the community they were contributing to would actually support and appreciate the people who are contributing. This happens in thousands of organizations big and small all over the world every day. The people who are complaining about the state of the world, or the state of a project, or whatever else they are complaining about, ensure that these things will never get any better by their self destructive choice to choose resentment and criticism as the basis of their personalities and by doing so sucking the energy out of the projects they are complaining about and driving away the people who would have made it better.
I do not think Kris is purposely trying to suck energy out of the project, he is probably a reasonable human being, and I can see the language barrier is an issue. He also seems to be trying to contribute by doing translations so that certainly is a redeeming factor, though generally speaking people who are this critical are not able to sustain energy to actually make a net positive result, we will see.
I posted this thread to say hurrah, and thanks, and instead it quickly became Kris creating another task for the people who were already busy doing the work they do here because he did not like the way the information was presented. Kris is always talking about communities, a community is only useful if the sum total of being connected to it is positive, a community full of negative energy sucking parasites is not useful and new people who would have been productive and involved will just quickly move away and you will never know they even stopped by to look.
The jury is still out for me if Kris gets the ignore stick along with the majority of humanity, but I thought I would make an effort to point out what was objectionable to me before just ignoring him as he can probably make a conscious effort to stop being a black hole sucking energy if he wants to.
Also saying these things out loud can sometimes help a group of people form a cultural identity where they are committed to being appreciative and supportive of the people who contribute to the community instead of it being a competition of who can complain and attack those people in the most self serving way until there is nobody left to complain to. It is awesome when a community gets this kind of identity, because it will stand up and defend the contributors itself so the highest value individuals do not have to waste their energy doing it themselves, and this will bring in more contributors who can see the community is a worthwhile place to contribute.
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Seth Martin
Rogue Cicero
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